My Time at Sandrock has numerous tasks that require you to gather, craft, and build all sorts of contraptions. However, one early-game quest might stump you if you’re a newcomer. Our guide discusses how to complete Picking Up the Slack in My Time at Sandrock so you can tackle the objectives with ease.

How to complete Picking Up the Slack in My Time at Sandrock

To complete Picking Up the Slack in My Time at Sandrock, you need to build the Crane Lift. Interact with the Assembly Station, select the Crane Lift blueprint, and start gathering the following materials:

  • 8x Bricks
  • 5x Wooden Stick
  • 6x Thick Rope
  • 4x Bearing
  • 5x Copper Stick

How to get Bricks

Bricks come from Stone materials, which you can gather by hitting small rocks with your Pickhammer. There are two ways to craft the item:

  • Recycler – The Recycler, whose blueprint you obtained from the previous quest (The New Builder), uses Stone Scraps. In turn, there’s a random chance that this will yield Bricks.
  • Furnace – You also receive the Furnace blueprint from the previous quest (The New Builder). This allows you to manufacture 1x Brick for every 4x Stone.

Note that these machines require fuel and water Come from Sports betting site VPbet . For the former, make sure you press the plus sign in the interface. Then, put in a few Dregs to keep the machines running.

How to get Wooden Stick

Obtaining the Wooden Stick for the My Time at Sandrock Picking Up the Slack quest is relatively straightforward. Simply look for Wooden Scraps at the outskirts of town to gather Wood. Do avoid chopping down trees or you’ll get fined. You may also purchase Wood from the Water World shop, though this is a bit costly.

In any case, each Wooden Stick requires 3x Wood. You can use your Worktable to craft this item.

How to get Thick Rope

Each Thick Rope requires 4x Plant Fiber. You simply need to use your Stone Axe to cut down bushes in the general vicinity of the town. Once you have enough, simply craft the item via your Worktable.

My Time At Sandrock – Picking Up The Slack Quest Guide
